Wednesday 29 July 2009

You're sure? said the writer to the poet.

So I've held back on the blogging, purely due to time. I've had none!
I've been jumping back and for both managing my work life and musical life. The album is done! I say done but, the lead vocals are complete. We are waiting on one more days booking to complete the whole thing by adding gang vocals, a simple task.

In the mean time we've been talking amongst ourselves in regards to the album's title.
Finally after numerous final decisions and disagreements it is titled.
As much as I'd love to say it is. "......" I cannot at this time.

So I've been liaising with our designer who is currently knee deep in many of his design tools carving our release with his bare hands so to speak. I really like the direction we're going in with the artwork and its theme something i probably wouldn't have seen ourselves do, but it's promising to be incredible!

We will be posting all updates and info in regards to that over at the bands blog here:

During the artwork and theme search i spent a lot of time looking through other peoples art blogs and came across an incredible batch of photos from a certain members Tumblr account.


These incredible photos from artists unknown to me are absolutely magnificent:

While uploading the pics here I've found where they originate from for those interested:

Sweet little website in aid of artists and their pictures.
I'll be introducing some more new bands that I've been spinning recently, I'm not so much going to keep it local, just the bands that have really wowed me as of late.

Final word:

Best Album Of 2009
From THRICE themselves:

"Hello all, Good news. We have confirmed a August 11, 2009 digital release of Beggars. The digital album will be available exclusively through iTunes. The date of CD release is still pending, but it will contain bonus material. We’ll let you know more about that as soon as we can."
Greatest band ever.

Until next time!
Peace out!

Thursday 9 July 2009

It sings.

So my first informative blog.
We all live in towns & cities filled to the brim with local bands.
But there are always the select few that stand out, well I think so anyway, I'm going to use this opportunity to highlight the local talent that is in South Wales.

Tiger Please
A band that has come on leaps & bounds since the day I heard them. This band your straight forward rock set up, with guitar lines soaring through your ear drums and a vocal that has grown inside your lungs. This band have shaken venues wherever they have played, their songs live with you for weeks on end.
They've shared some impressive bills with impressive bands in their short existence and will continue to do so. They currently don't have any releases under their belt, but do hand out demo's at shows!

Death Quit Dancing
A band that instantly threw themselves all over me aurally. This band are one electrifying act! Sextet DQD have been going a little under two years, and have shocked many with their insane performances and sleazy lyrics, this band are 110% fun and energetic and they want you to know it! Their E.P "No Rest For The Wicked" is available on iTunes and order from their myspace. Stop being a square and listen to Death Quit Dancing.

More localising soon!

If anyone wants to recommend me some of their local music please feel free to enlighten me!



Wednesday 8 July 2009


The only thing that i find difficult.


It's the part where individuals judge you, it's never taken into consideration either on how your feeling at the time or what sort of day you've had, or what sort of person you are.
Do you think first impressions last?

I somewhat do, and somewhat don't.
I'm a reserved person and don't like to let a lot of people "in" so to speak.
So I'm being judged right now, right? I'm already coming across as a nervous introvert!

So yeah, my name is Jonathan.
I play music with a band called Caesars Rome, I'm the singer and have a huge passion in it. I play music with two of my best friends, the other member is one hell of a player but not as close to me as i'd like him to be.
Honesty already! I'm impressed.
Anyway i thought I'd set up my own personal blog, purely because its far more acceptable for me to blog random gibberish here other than over on!

I'm going to use this blog as a chance to influence you all in my tastes.
I will be posting up links to all kind of things, such as Art that i admire the many musical instruments and amplifiers that i would love to own, and plenty of music and bands that you should listen to.

I will NOT be posting album links, im sure if you use your initiative you can find the links yourself. I will just be posting my own personal views and reviews on bands and their releases.

Stay tuned for many ramblings!

